VI - Miscellaneous

[ standard op. procedures | graphic tools | k space calculator | help | about || main help index ]

1. Standard operating procedures

While many settings within WinSPA can be accessed independetly via non-modal forms, it is important to understand how they influence the acquisition of scan data, conversion of units, correction of instrumental errors etc. . In fact, it is helpful to consider the combination of different calculation tools and settings as "standard operation procedures", i.e., applying tools and changing settings always after certain changes of the LEED system, sample, etc.
These standard operation procedures are described in the following. It is strongly recommended to print out this section and keep it available at the SPA-LEED control PC for everyday use.

For a new SPA-LEED system (or after the first installation of WinSPA)

Note: If you have received a new Omicron SPA-LEED system, these steps were already done for you.

After changing between internal and external geometry and vice versa

After changing the type of sample

After changing the position of the sample (sample transfer, maybe even heating)

After each change of scan energy

2. Graphic tools

The graphic tools mainly support you in the selection of parts of the reciprocal space for further investigation. For example, you can draw a line within a 2D scan to define a 1D scan, you can select an elliptical region in 2D scans to get its center of mass for a spot tracking measurement, or you can define a rectangular region in a 2D scan for a detailed scan.
Secondly, some graphic tools provide rough data analysis functionality. They should not replace a thorough offline data analysis, but in many cases you may want wo get a quick answer to questions like

and many more.

The line tool for 2D scans

The line tool allows you to draw a line between two crosshairs selected with the mouse. A section through the 2D data along the drawn line is displayed, as well as the parameters of the drawn line. For easier and more exact placement of the two limiting crosshairs the relative intensities at the two end points of the line are also displayed - this way you can place the two crosshairs exactly on diffraction spots.
The line parameters can be copied to the clipboard in order to use them for a more detailed 1D scan.

The rectangle tool for 2D scans

The rectangle tool allows you to select a rectangular region of interest within a 2D scan by selecting two marker positions, which define two diagonal points of the rectangle. You will get some basic information about the selected region.
The parameters of the rectangle can then be copied to the clipboard in order to use them for a detail 2D scan.

The ellipse tool for 2D scans

The ellipse tool allows you to select an elliptical region of intereset within a 2D scan by selecting two marker positions, which define two diagonal points of the outer rectangle of the ellipse. The center of mass of all data points within the ellipse is calculated. This gives you a more representative value for the center of a diffraction spot than the crosshair tool.
The center of mass within the ellipse can be copied to the clipboard in order to be used in 0D scans (spot tracker) as well as in the image shift calculation form.

The angle tool for 2D scans

The angle tool allows you to select three points within a 2D scan via positioning of three crosshair markers. These three markers define an angle. For an exact placement of the markers on diffraction spots the relative intensity of each marker in comparison to the maximum intensity within the 2D scan is shown. You can use this tool for estimating the symmetry of a diffraction image.
No copy to clipboard option is given for this tool.

The crosshair tool for 2D scans

The crosshair tool allows you select a point within a 2D scan with a marker. The coordinates of this point are displayed as well as the relative intensity in comparison to the maximum intensity of the scan. For easier and more precise selection of the correct point the local gradient (arrow) and curvature (circle) are also displayed.

3. K-space calculator

The k-space calculator provides four types of data and/or units conversion for convenient planning of measurements:

  1. Conversion from 2D rectangle definition by center and rotation to edge coordinates.
  2. Conversion between edge and center definition of 1D scans.
  3. Conversion between k|| units (1/A, %BZ and Volts).
  4. Conversion between electron energy and scattering phase(S).
For example, if you want to define a 1D scan exactly through the centers of two diffraction spots, just measure the two spots in an 2D overview (ellipse tool) and put the two points' coordinates into the k calculator and calculate the 1D scan definition. Enter the values in a 1D scan form and then just increase the scan length appropriately in order to have both spots fully scanned.

The first type of conversions is between 2D scan center and border coordinates.

GUI element Meaning and Usage
2D Center Coordinates (x0,y0,dx,dy,angle) Center coordinates (x,y), sizes (dx,dy) and angle of rotation of a rectangular 2D scan.
2D Border Coordinates (x1..x4,y1..y4) Coordinates of the four border points of the 2D scan.

Th second type of k space coordinate conversions is between 1D center and border coordinates.

GUI element Meaning and Usage
1D Center Coordinates (x0,y0,length,angle) Center coordinates (x0,y0), length and angle of rotation of a linear 1D scan.
1D Border Coordinates (x1,y1,x2,y2) Coordinates of the two border points of the 1D scan.

The third type of k space coordinate conversions allows to convert values between different kpar coordinates.

GUI element sMeaning and Usage
k space value 1
k space unit 1
k space value 2
k space unit 2
Surface Lattice Constant
k Sensitivity
Electron Energy

The fourth type of k space coordinate conversions allows to convert values between different kperp coordinates.

GUI element Meaning and Usage
Energy value
Scattering phase value
Step Height
Incidence Angle

4. The help file

Here you can display this HTML help for WinSPA. You can either access the offline version of this help which was supplied with your copy of WinSPA or the online version from the WinSPA homepage in the world wide web. The online version is subject to frequent updates and therefore probably more up to date than the offline version.

5. The about window

The "about" window gives you the information about the precise release version of your copy of WinSPA.
All "real" releases are numbered with an X.YY scheme (X=main release number, YY=sub-release number), beta versions are numbered with an X.YY.ZZ scheme where ZZ counts all compilation steps (=sub-sub-releases).